Kali linux OS installation on VirtualBox(Updated)

Kali linux OS installation on VirtualBox(Updated)

There are three steps to getting Kali Linux on VirtualBox

  1. Ø      Downloading and installing the VirtualBox
  2. Ø     Downloading the Kali Linux installer image
  3. Ø     Uploading the image to the VirtualBox and getting started

Now let’s get started

  •                        Open Chrome and search for VirtualBox download on any search engine      

  •                        Click on the first web page

  •          Click on Download VirtualBox 

  •          Click on Windows hosts
  •      VirtualBox .exe file will be downloaded

  •    Open the .exe file.

  •  Finish the setup, and let the options be default, you will see something like the below and the Desktop icon.


  •                This will be the default VirtualBox window

  • Now the VirtualBox setup is down, Now we have to download the Kali Linux installer image, search for Kali Linux, and open the Kali Linux website.

  •       Click on download and click on the installer image.

  •                    Install the installer image.
  •                    It will take some time because it is a large file.


  •  Now we have to set up a virtual machine and OS environment. Open the VirtualBox, click on the three dots beside tools, and select welcome.

  •   Click on the NEW tab and enter the following data correctly

Ø  Name: Anything

Ø  Folder: Select a path

Ø  Type: Linux

Ø  Version :Debian(32 or 64 bit)

  •     Select the memory as per your choice

  •            Click on create new hard disk and select the disk size.

  •        Check all and click on finish.

  •  This is an important step:

    Ø  Click on the settings tab

    Ø  Select storage                                     (all the instructions are boxed or underlined)

    Ø  Click on empty

    Ø  Click on the disk image beside the optical drive option

    Ø  Click on choose a disk file and upload the downloaded Kali Linux installer image.


  • And click on OK.

  •  Now click on the start button.

  •     click on graphical interface, Now the Kali Linux GUI setup will start.

  •         select your language.

  •           The next five steps are very simple

    Ø  enter hostname(can be anything)(default is kali)

    Ø  enter domain name(can be anything)

    Ø  enter full name of user

    Ø  enter user name(will have to enter when you login to the system)

    Ø  If you enter your full name the default username will be your first name

    Ø  Select your country.

  • Partition disk -> Choose entire disk.

  •     Choose the hard disk.

  •     Choose all files is one partition option.

  •        Choose finish partitioning and write changes to disk and click OK.

  •         Select YES and click continue

  •       It will install the base system.

  •   This is an important step in software selection, do not change the default options directly click on continue.

  •     It takes a lot of time to complete(be patient).

  •          It asks to install the GRUB boot loader, click on YES and install it.

  •        Select the hard disk and click on continue.

  •    The installation of Kali Linux is complete. Click on continue.

  •     `Enter your username and password to log in.

  •        Congratulations your kali linux VirtualBox setup is complete.

    1. Mr. Salagrama Aditya, B.E CSE 4th semester, MVSR Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

    2. Dr. Nitesh K Bharadwaj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIIT Pune, India.

    3. Dr. Bhupendra Singh, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIIT Pune, India.


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