Kali Linux OS installation on VirtualBox

 Kali Linux OS installation on VirtualBox 

Download and Installation of VirtualBox

Download Oracle VirtualBox in your PC.

Step 1: Search for “download VirtualBox for windows”

Step 2: Select your operating system package, Here we will download Windows hosts

Step 3: Open the setup file and click on “next”

Step 4: The setup takes few seconds to install the VirtualBox. Then click “Finish”. Hence installation of VirtualBox is complete.

Installation of KALI Linux on VirtualBox

Step 1: Download Kali Linux

Open a web browser and search for “Download kali for VirtualBox”. Click on the first link “Get Kali”.

There are many versions of Kali Linux which you can download. 

Click on Virtual Machines and then according to your operating system’s architecture, Choose either 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64). Then download the VirtualBox file.

Note: You can also download the VMware version of Kali Linux. You may have to run the file using “VMware Workstation”.

Open the first link called “Get Kali” and Click on virtual machine.

The ova file will then be downloaded. 

Step 2: Installation of Kali Linux on VirtualBox.

Open the file location where you downloaded the ova file of Kali Linux. Open the ova file. 

When prompted “How do you want to open this file?”, click on VirtualBox Manager.

The VirtualBox opens and automatically opens up a dialog to import the Virtual Appliance. After checking the settings, click on “Import”.


The importing takes a few minutes to complete.

After completion of import process, the Kali Linux image shows up on virtual machine menu.

 Open the settings of the Kali Linux image.

Associate the base memory (RAM) according to your system specification for better performance. The Host also needs base memory so its recommended to associate only half of the total base memory available. Then click on “ok” 

Open the Kali Linux system by double clicking it or by clicking start.


The default username and password is "kali". 

You can now see the Desktop window. You can now access the applications of the Virtual Machine.

Your Virtual Machine is all set to go.

Congratulations! The installation process of Kali Linux on Virtual Machine is completed.


1. Mr. Ajay Sajikumar, B.Tech. CSE 6th Semester, OP Jindal University Raigarh, CG, India

2. Dr. Nitesh K Bharadwaj, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of CSE, OP Jindal University, Raigarh, CG, India.


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