Disk Partition Analysis
Disk Partition Analysis (DOS Partition)
In this post we will briefly go through the process of understanding the disk partition scheme and how we can parse information out of it. The first thing we need is partition table. We can obtain partition table (MBR information) from the starting 512 byte section of the disk or we can search for sector ending with 0x55AA.
We can obtain the partition table sector through multiple process, however the following process is demonstrated using 'dd'.
Let's have a look inside -
This section contain three important information- bootstrap code area (assembly boot code), partition table and boot signature. The MBR layout is shown in table below.
Partition table value lie between 0x1BE to 0x1FD containing entries of multiple partitions (16-Bytes each) as shown below:
From the above details we can analyse our partition, lets consider entries for 2 primary partitions-
8004 0104 83FE C2FF 0008 0000 0070 E109
00FE C2FF 05FE C2FF FE7F E109 0278 1E00
(These values are stored in little endian format so we have to rearrange each field value as shown here. You can also refer our previous blog to get insight into little endian).
09E1 7000 0000 0800 FFC2 FE83 0401 0480
001E 7802 09E1 7FFE FFC2 FE05 FFC2 FE00
The data structure for each partition entry can further be categorized as -
We can analyse our partition based upon the above details - (first primary partition)
1) Boot indicator = 0x80 (means this partition has boot partition)
2) Starting CHS value = 0x040104 (partition starting CHS address)
3) Partition type = 0x83 (corresponds to Linux data partition)
4) Ending CHS value = 0xFFC2FE (partition ending CHS address)
5) Starting Sector =0x 00000800 sectors
(00000800)16 = (2048)10
6) Partition size = 0x09E17000 sectors
(09e17000)16 = (165769216)10
The details can be verified using "mmls" utility w.r.t the considered partition as shown below (entry 002) of partition table-
(Similarly for the considered second partition table entry 004)
001E 7802 09E1 7FFE FFC2 FE05 FFC2 FE00
1) Boot indicator = 0x00 (Empty, didn't have boot partition)
2) Starting CHS value = 0xFFC2FE
3) Partition type = 0x05 (Depicts Extended Partition)
4) Ending CHS value = 0xFFC2FE
5) Starting Sector = 0x09E17FFE sector
(09E17FFE)16 = (165773310)10
6) Partition size = 0x001E7802 sectors
(001e7802)16 = (1996802)10
Above discussed partition Scheme can be summarised by this diagram -
This is the basic overview of how can we locate each partition of disk and in turn locate or image the required partition.
1. Carrier, Brian. File system forensic analysis. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005.
Credits -
Dr. Nitesh K Bhardwaj
Faculty, Dept. CSE, IIIT Bhopal
Mr. Punit Choudhary
4th year student, IIIT Bhopal (Branch -IT)
Mr. Madhur Aswani
4th year student, IIIT Bhopal (Branch -IT)
very intuitive.