Net spot

NetSpot A versatile software used for wireless network assessment, scanning and survey of Wi-fi. It runs on Linux, Mac OS and Windows. NetSpot supports wireless networks and uses the standard Wi-Fi network adapter and its airport interface to map radio signal strength and other wireless network parameters, and builds reports on that. Features: Live Data AP Details Real-time Charts Augments Surveys 2.4, 5 and 6GHz Bands Compare APs CSV Export Network Search Multi-level Projects Visualizations Zone Variations Wi-Fi Troubleshooting Hybrid surveys Data Export Multiple router options Visualization Export to a file Netspot’s heat map identifies areas of weak signal strength, optimizes access point placement, and makes informed decisions about how to improve Wi-fi network along with Wi-fi coverage. It helps in fast analysis. The above images shows the available networks nearby and their information such as BSSID(Basic Serv...